
*Disclaimer: All dashboards with student information have had names changed and scores adjusted.*


With 6 pages of detailed information about your school's MAP scores, this is by far the best value for you! Base dashboard includes pages for Student Info, Quintiles and Average Percentile, Quintile Breakdown, RIT Scores, Growth Scores & Percentiles, Pivot Tables. The actionable insight is endless! See screenshots and details below.


2 years of data for $1200.

-Add more years of data for $200/year of data.

-Add domain breakdown page for $600. Spendy, but highly recommended.

-Add student profile page for $400.


Average Percentile shows how your school is scoring on average. Use the arrows at the top of the graph to group students by grade, building, graduating class, gender, or ethnicity for easy comparisons.


Use the RIT Scores, Norms, and Percentiles graph to see how your students stack up to national averages. As a bonus, this graph shows how many students were tested each term.


The Quintile Breakdown page will highlight your school's distribution of students from low scoring to high scoring. Click on any section of the bar graph to see which students fall in that quintile.


When May comes around, it really is all about growth. Filter to any grade level or graduating class in two clicks, and you'll see an instant report of how many of your students made their growth goals, as well as projected vs. actual growth.


The Student Profile page is perfect for conferences, meetings, or a deep dive into one single student. Start by choosing a name from the top, then filter to school year or grade as needed. See scores on top with growth below.

*This page is a $400 add-on.*


Do you need to find out why your math scores are lower than you'de like them to be? The Domain Breakdown is what will take you from a casual data dig to in-depth understanding of your students' ability level in each domain area of the MAP test. You will be able to everything from trends and averages over time, all the way down to the student level. I cannot recommend this page enough. If it comes down to choosing between extra years of data, the Student Profile page, and the Domain Breakdown, choose the Domain Breakdown.

*This page is a $600 add-on.*


Don't let the SAT be only a college-entrance exam. There are valuable insights to be gained from student scores that will help make your school and your teaching more effective. This dashboard is loaded with charts, graphs, and tables that will help you quickly identify strengths and struggles in your district! See screenshots and details below


2 years of data for $1200.

-Add more years of data for $200/year of data.

-Add domain level data for $600. Spendy, but highly recommended.

-Add student profile page for $400.


The overview page shows basic information about your school. It will help you answer questions about number of students tested, how many tests each student has taken, and your average scores and percentiles.


The Literacy page highlights all of your reading and written language scores. See all your scores averaged out, or filter to a specific graduating class, gender, or ethnicity. It's all right there!


The Math page will break down your math scores in a way you've never seen before. Get a quick look at how your students perform both with and without a calculator!


The Cross-Test page includes results for your Social Studies and Science sections of the SAT. Scores and percentiles are both included.


The domain level add-on gives you insight on a whole new level. Rather than just seeing math or reading scores, you can see which domains your students are crushing, and where there is room for improvement. If you're going to splurge on something, this is it.

*This is a $600 add-on, but it's worth it.*


The Student Profile page is the perfect place to go to for a quick overview of every SAT a student has ever taken. This is a great one to show parents!

*This page is a $400 add-on.*

ELPA Dashboard


ELPA stands for English Language Proficiency Assessment. As the number of students speaking different languages climbs across the US, educators need a good way to track their progress learning English. This 2 page dashboard gives you the ability to look at trends across your district over time, while still allowing you to get a close look at a single student.


2 years of data for $600.

-Add more years of data for $200/year of data.

-Add domain and scale score breakdown page for $600. Spendy, but highly recommended.

SAEBRS Dashboard


Social-emotional health and well-being of our students has been getting a lot more attention in recent years, and rightfully so! The SAEBRS test (provided by FastBridge) is a teacher questionnaire completed to score each student's social, emotional, and academic wellness. Take a peek at this simple 2 page dashboard that will completely change the way you design interventions for your kids!


2 years of data for $600

-Add more years of data for $200/year of data.

ISASP Dashboard


Love them or hate them, state tests are the reality in education today. However, in a 2022 study done by Data Quality Campaign, 99% of superintendents feel state data could be more useful. If you're one of those 99%, this is the dashboard for you. In just a few clicks, you will be able to identify trends, areas of strength, and struggles.


2 years of data for $1000.

-Add more years of data for $200/year of data.

-Add domain and scale score breakdown page for $600. Spendy, but highly recommended.

Dashboard Customization

If you like the idea and look of the dashboards I create, but you have a different set of data you want transformed, I can help you too. Every dashboard you see on here started as an idea or custom project. Head over to my contact page to share your idea and schedule a free brainstorming session. Who knows, maybe I'll like it so much your dashboard idea will find a permanent home on my menu!

Dashboard Bundling

Interested in more than one dashboard, but also interested in being responsible with your school's money? Then it's time to think about bundling. Buy any two dashboards, and you'll save $400 by getting a 3rd year of data for free on both of them. Buy any 3 dashboard and you'll save up to $1800 by getting a 3rd year of data and student profile pages for free! 


AR Graphs 

(video tutorial included)

5 Stages of Data Culture 


Color by Number/Letter
